“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Mead

Soundquake is the podcast production team that helps impactful brands be leaders of a conversation.

So you set out to make a difference…


That’s why we only work with likeminded people who want to make the world a better place for future generations.

An opportunity to challenge the status quo.

It can feel deeply frustrating when you see industries you love being dominated by big fish with selfish interests and no care for the planet or the people they are meant to serve.

We saw it too. That is why we make branded podcasts. Because people like you have the ideas that can lead to a brighter future. And when you paint a picture of what that future can look like, people follow. When you drive the conversation and mobilise a community, something big happens…

Like the flap of a butterflies wing, a seemingly small event creates ripples of energy that have the potential to resonate with an entire culture.

Conversation = Action = Change

It’s about way more than just a podcast.

This is a chance to ignite dinner table activism. When you embrace podcasting as a platform to host & share your ideas, you can intimately connect with your eagerly awaiting community and continuously give them something to discuss more with their family & friends.

You might not feel comfortable shouting about what you do from the rooftops to the masses. And that’s okay….

But maybe, you’re ready to talk? Ready to talk to those that care.

And maybe, you’re ready to have them talk about you?

Create more impact.

We get it, you set out to make a positive change in this world. And you like to make sure that the people you work with are aligned with your values.

Every podcast that Soundquake produces creates a positive impact in two ways:

  1. We only make content that is centred around change-making ideas from people, brands and organisations that are working to make the world a better place.

  2. A portion of all income from our productions goes directly towards funding impact projects around the world through our partnership with Ecologi.

A nimble production team. Not a bloated agency.

Your experience with us is just as important as the work itself. No getting passed around multiple departments, you’ll be working directly with our co-founder Sam! Learn more about the team

  • We only work with a handful of leaders & founders at any one time

  • A fluid workflow to suit your needs. No cookie cutter process or one-size-fits-all approach

“Super engaged with the content, organised, efficient, quick thinkers, fast-turnarounds, professional, creative, encouraging, patient, supportive, and a laugh. That's quite a combo!”

- Gillian Burke - If I Ruled the World Podcast

Featured conversations with fellow change-makers

Amazing guests from amazing brands

So, are you ready to make something extraordinary for the people you care about?